About Me
I am an engineering student, musician, and I like to make people laugh when I can. I’m originally from Des Moines, Iowa and now study Civil Engineering at Georgia Tech in Atlanta. I grew up selling vegetables at farmers markets with my brother, camping in the woods with Boy Scouts, and playing music.
About Me
Education has always been really important to me. While in Iowa I finished high school in three years and completed the IB Diploma Program.
I then went on to take two bridge years in between high school in college. In my first year, I worked at a variety of internships including the Chattanooga Tennessee Aquarium, Iowa State University's Wetland Research Lab, and DuPont Pioneer Seed Quality Testing Summer Student Assistant program.
During my second bridge year, I lived in France to improve my French through immersion and learn about agroecology. While in the EU I visited farms, research centers, and universities. I also had the fortune to form a close relationship with an incredible French family with whom I ended up living for several months.
I now study Civil Engineering in the BS/MS program as a Stamps Presidential Scholar at Georgia Tech focusing on water resources and sustainable cities. Some highlights from my experience at Tech include working on a research project focused on the net-zero Kendeda Living Building’s grey water system, being President of Scouting at Georgia Tech, helping teach a freshman orientation course, and engaging with the incredible campus traditions at Tech.
I have also been able to do two professional internships. The first was as a World Food Prize Borlaug-Ruan International Intern at the International Center for Integrated Mountain Development in Kathmandu, Nepal. I worked on a team with three full-time researchers for two months.
The goal of the ongoing project is to identify and implement practices to help better capture rainwater runoff to increase the output and reliability of springs in order to increase food security and reduce dependency on deep boring wells.
I also worked as a Civil Engineering Water Resources Intern at Bolton and Menk in Ames, Iowa. In my position I assisted professional engineers and engineers in training with watershed delineation, on-site inspections, programming water flow calculation models, computer aided drafting site plans, and a variety of other tasks.
While not in school, I spend most of my time on music. I am a singer-songwriter, sang in the Eagles back up choir for three nights when they performed at the State Farm Arena in Atlanta, and am currently organizing a virtual choir for Teacher Appreciation Day! If you want to add your voice to the choir, fill out this Google Form and I’ll get in touch with you!